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Removable roller-type body




Removable roller-type container is designed to be mounted on a truck by means of leverage – manipulator МПР-3 which is equipped with a grab hook. Such a truck is used for transporting loose cargo, chips, broad-leaved cat-tail weighting up to 14000 kg. Its design makes it possible to move the container along the axis of the vehicle backwards, remove it from the truck with the help of the L-shaped beam and the grab hook and install it at the designated area behind the vehicle. At the container front wall there is a loop into which the manipulator grab hook goes when moving. At the rear underbody there are rollers which provide easier movement of the body. Rear part of the container has a door for loading cargo at ground level which is fixed by loops. The door has a closing mechanism which includes a hook. It helps to close the door tightly. Door closing handle is fixed at closed position by a lock pin and it prevents the door from free opening. Welded construction of the container is made of 3 mm thick steel sheet for walls and 4 mm thick steel sheet for the floor.